✓ Nominal inlet pipe diameter, mm:
✓ Nominal pressure, MPa, no more than:
✓ Volumetric water content in oil and gas mixture, %:
✓ Volume fraction of associated petroleum gas in oil and gas condensate mixture, in operating conditions, %:
✓ Maximum viscosity of degassed oil-gas-water mixture, MPa*s, not more than:
✓ Temperature of oil and gas mixture, С°:
✓ Ambient temperature, °C:
✓ Available hydrogen sulfide content in oil and gas mixture, %, not more than:
✓ Available carbon dioxide content in oil and gas mixture, %, not more than:
✓ Dust and water resistance level:
✓ General labeling of explosion-proof protected equipment according to GOST 31610.0-2019:
✓ Measurement range of liquid mass flow rate in a hydrocarbon gas mixture, t/h:
✓ Measurement range of volumetric flow rate of associated petroleum gas under operating conditions in the composition of oil and gas mixtures, m³/h:
✓ Allowable relative measurement error limits for mass and mass flow rate of liquid in a crude oil and gas mixture, %:
✓ Allowable limits of relative measurement error for liquid mass within the composition of oil-gas-water mixture without accounting for water content (in volume percentage), no more than:
- From 0% to 70%
- Above 70% to 95%
- Above 95%
✓ Allowable limits of relative measurement errors for volume and volumetric flow rate of associated natural gas in an oil and gas mixture, converted to standard conditions, %:
The specified measurement range is common for the entire series of RFP. The measurement range depends on the pressure in the pipeline. The measurement range for a specific RFP model is provided in the user manual.
Basic metrological characteristics
Main technical specifications